ALBUM: Street Sensation ARTIST: Trip C NUMBER OF SONGS: 15 MP3 VERSION: YES A hard and very real presentation of street life and spiritual warfare. Transitional Music at its finest. This album will feed the soul and speak life to the dead. Kingdom Bangin, All day, Every Day!!!!
Street Sensation
M5:9 MINISTRIES has taking the time to develop a comprehensive approach to the issue of "The Great Divide" that continues to place our most precious resource (our children) directly on the path of complete destruction. We have taken the time to explore what seems to be an ocean of data and have come to one conclusion. The conclusion is this "Our children are being behaviorally modified through the implanting of concepts that massacred themselves as answers to the problems that our children are faced with." When the truth of the matter is that these concepts are the very cause of about 90% of their problems.
Once we identified the weapon (behavioral modification), we set out to identify and understand the delivery system, and what we found was shocking. The delivery system that has been chosen due to its effectiveness is "The Self". What's even more alarming about this delivery system is that it goes undetected until it reaches its intended target. It's also our belief that this specific system has a 99.999% success rate.What we have done here at M5:9 has not been to reinvent the wheel. We have simply assessed the awareness of the communities that seem to be the most impacted by this phenomenon, and developed a strategy that allows for us to reverse the damage that has been done by the behavioral modification process. In doing so we are potentially able to assist in the restoration of impacted individuals to a state where they can begin to develop the critical thinking skills they will need to continue their new found PERSONAL SUCCESS, in a positive and productive manor.
Part of this process is our creating and distribution "Transitional Media". This form of media assist a person in their transitioning from a life that's filled with concepts that promote destruction and death, into a life that's overflowing with concepts that promote love and peace.
This is where your support comes into play. Every transitional media item that is created, has been created for the purpose of assisting someone in their transition from death to life. Each Item that you purchase will eventually reach a person that's in desperate need of that assistance. So your purchase, (be it 1 Item or 50 Items), will be shipped to you that you might first find a blessing in the product, and then share it with someone else that may also be blessed by it. You can also request that we hand out the item or items that you purchased for free (to those that need assistance with their transition) during one of our outreach events. The proceeds from your purchase will fund the distribution of current transitional media items, as well as fund the creation of new (culturally current / relevant) transitional media items.
We also plan to build a more diverse catalog of product. If you are an artist, or know someone that produces positive, spiritually awakening, transitional music, art and or literature, please contact us and let's discuss a time when one of our administrators can speak with you about partnering with M59 Ministries. We sincerely hope that this ministry, and this specific area of ministry, speaks to your heart. Thank you for taking the time to consider supporting / partnering with us. We look forward to whatever YAHS will is concerning this vision and the role you may play in the success of it. Sincerely,M5:9 MINISTRIES
All electronic downloads are final. If you have an issue with your download you have 48 hours to make us aware of the issue and we will work to remedy the situation. There is no refund for electronic downloads of any kind.
We handle all returns and or refunds for shipped goods on a case by case basis. However we will only consider individual cases if we are made aware of them within 7 days or the original shipping date.